AI (Artificial Intelligence) Is Impressive, Yet Needs Improvement

As we see more and more examples of what AI (artificial intelligence) can do, some of its creations are quite impressive. But, is it always impressive enough?

We see nice AI designed video ads that could be shown on TV or on other types of video. We can marvel at what has been created by AI. It looks so impressive.

Then, we look more closely at the details of the video. Now we can see the imperfections. Some items in that impressive looking video ad didn’t come out quite right. There are definite imperfections in the details.

As the media reports about these rather impressive AI generated video ads, we learn that perceptions of these AI generated ads are mixed. Some people are impressed that such a spectacular video can be produced by AI. Other people seem to focus on the imperfections and might perceive AI as not quite ready for prime time. So, essentially what we see is two sides to AI. There is an impressive production. But, there are various flaws. Thus, AI can do impressive work. Yet, AI clearly needs improvement.

This raises the question of whether the impressive, but imperfection filled video ad is good enough to use. Do we have a case where we don’t want the imperfect to prevent the tremendous value of the good?

The answer to this question remains to be seen. In a lower budget environment, an impressive ad with various imperfections may be fine. However, in an environment where market research and analysis reveals that the imperfections are serious enough to keep the ad from driving sales or to let the ad create the wrong brand image, the impressive but ineffective ad may be unacceptable.

Of course, AI is constantly being improved. So, as AI gets better, we may be able to get impressive AI video without those imperfections. But, for now, AI is both impressive and in need of improvement.


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