The Value of the Right Kind of Diversification

Venturing into new lines of business can easily bring huge losses and may never make a profit. So, it’s important for companies to Continue reading “The Value of the Right Kind of Diversification” »

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Big Bet Transformations Bring Tough Challenges for Businesses

According to the patterns revealed by my many years researching business success and failure, small bets are far more successful than big bets. This is even true for companies thought to be in Continue reading “Big Bet Transformations Bring Tough Challenges for Businesses” »

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Exiting Poorly Fitting New Lines of Business

It’s encouraging to see companies eventually realize that they should halt their efforts to diversify far beyond their core business.  This realization is important because Continue reading “Exiting Poorly Fitting New Lines of Business” »

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What Influences Whether Bringing Back a Former CEO Revitalizes a Company?

Once again, we see a well-known company bring back its former CEO. This is something companies do during challenging times that occur after a former CEO with an impressive Continue reading “What Influences Whether Bringing Back a Former CEO Revitalizes a Company?” »

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When the Entrepreneurial Titan Who Built the Business Empire Steps Down

Some successful business empires are built by entrepreneurial founders. Other business empires are built by entrepreneurial leaders who take Continue reading “When the Entrepreneurial Titan Who Built the Business Empire Steps Down” »

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